O. vs. BP. vs. WP. - ACQ.12 Legal and Administrative Requirements ()
O. vs. BP. vs. WP. - ACQ.12 Legal and Administrative Requirements
ACQ.12.O.1 A contractual approach is defined which is compliant with relevantnational, international and regulatory laws, guidance and policies
ACQ.12.O.2 An agreement, (contractual) terms and conditions are defined todescribe how the supplier will meet the needs and expectations
ACQ.12.O.3 Acceptance criteria and mechanisms for handling of breaches to thefulfillment of contract are established
ACQ.12.O.4 The rights of the acquirer to assume, modify or evaluate, directly orindirectly Intellectual Property Rights are established
ACQ.12.O.5 Warranties and service level agreements are provided for whereapplicable
ACQ.12.O.6 Provision for the suppliers to deliver other requirements (e.g. qualityplan, escrow arrangements etc.) is defined
ACQ.12.O.7 Recognized criteria for proprietary, regulatory and other productliabilities issues are established
ACQ.12.BP1 Identify relevant regulations
ACQ.12.BP7 Establish management of intellectual property rights
ACQ.12.BP4 Ensure usage of agreed terms and conditions
ACQ.12.BP5 Establish acceptance criteria
ACQ.12.BP9 Define provision for the suppliers
ACQ.12.BP2 Consider relevant regulations
ACQ.12.BP6 Establish escalation mechanisms
ACQ.12.BP10 Establish criteria for liability issues
ACQ.12.BP3 Agree on (contractual) terms and conditions
ACQ.12.BP8 Provide for warranties and service level agreements
18-01 Acceptance criteria
02-00 Contract
02-01 Commitment/agreement
10-00 Process description
14-02 Corrective Action Register
17-00 Requirement specification
Overview - ACQ.12 Legal and Administrative Requirements
Overview - Process Reference Model
ACQ.12.BP1 Identify relevant regulations ACQ.12.O.1 A contractual approach is defined which is compliant with relevantnational, international and regulatory laws, guidance and policies
ACQ.12.BP7 Establish management of intellectual property rights ACQ.12.O.4 The rights of the acquirer to assume, modify or evaluate, directly orindirectly Intellectual Property Rights are established
ACQ.12.BP4 Ensure usage of agreed terms and conditions ACQ.12.O.2 An agreement, (contractual) terms and conditions are defined todescribe how the supplier will meet the needs and expectations
ACQ.12.BP5 Establish acceptance criteria ACQ.12.O.3 Acceptance criteria and mechanisms for handling of breaches to thefulfillment of contract are established
ACQ.12.BP9 Define provision for the suppliers ACQ.12.O.6 Provision for the suppliers to deliver other requirements (e.g. qualityplan, escrow arrangements etc.) is defined
ACQ.12.BP2 Consider relevant regulations ACQ.12.O.2 An agreement, (contractual) terms and conditions are defined todescribe how the supplier will meet the needs and expectations
ACQ.12.BP6 Establish escalation mechanisms ACQ.12.O.3 Acceptance criteria and mechanisms for handling of breaches to thefulfillment of contract are established
ACQ.12.BP10 Establish criteria for liability issues ACQ.12.O.7 Recognized criteria for proprietary, regulatory and other productliabilities issues are established
ACQ.12.BP3 Agree on (contractual) terms and conditions ACQ.12.O.2 An agreement, (contractual) terms and conditions are defined todescribe how the supplier will meet the needs and expectations
ACQ.12.BP8 Provide for warranties and service level agreements ACQ.12.O.5 Warranties and service level agreements are provided for whereapplicable
18-01 Acceptance criteria ACQ.12.O.3 Acceptance criteria and mechanisms for handling of breaches to thefulfillment of contract are established
02-00 Contract ACQ.12.O.1 A contractual approach is defined which is compliant with relevantnational, international and regulatory laws, guidance and policies
02-00 Contract ACQ.12.O.2 An agreement, (contractual) terms and conditions are defined todescribe how the supplier will meet the needs and expectations
02-00 Contract ACQ.12.O.3 Acceptance criteria and mechanisms for handling of breaches to thefulfillment of contract are established
02-00 Contract ACQ.12.O.4 The rights of the acquirer to assume, modify or evaluate, directly orindirectly Intellectual Property Rights are established
02-00 Contract ACQ.12.O.5 Warranties and service level agreements are provided for whereapplicable
02-00 Contract ACQ.12.O.6 Provision for the suppliers to deliver other requirements (e.g. qualityplan, escrow arrangements etc.) is defined
02-00 Contract ACQ.12.O.7 Recognized criteria for proprietary, regulatory and other productliabilities issues are established
02-01 Commitment/agreement ACQ.12.O.2 An agreement, (contractual) terms and conditions are defined todescribe how the supplier will meet the needs and expectations
02-01 Commitment/agreement ACQ.12.O.4 The rights of the acquirer to assume, modify or evaluate, directly orindirectly Intellectual Property Rights are established
02-01 Commitment/agreement ACQ.12.O.5 Warranties and service level agreements are provided for whereapplicable
02-01 Commitment/agreement ACQ.12.O.6 Provision for the suppliers to deliver other requirements (e.g. qualityplan, escrow arrangements etc.) is defined
02-01 Commitment/agreement ACQ.12.O.7 Recognized criteria for proprietary, regulatory and other productliabilities issues are established
10-00 Process description ACQ.12.O.1 A contractual approach is defined which is compliant with relevantnational, international and regulatory laws, guidance and policies
10-00 Process description ACQ.12.O.3 Acceptance criteria and mechanisms for handling of breaches to thefulfillment of contract are established
14-02 Corrective Action Register ACQ.12.O.3 Acceptance criteria and mechanisms for handling of breaches to thefulfillment of contract are established
17-00 Requirement specification ACQ.12.O.1 A contractual approach is defined which is compliant with relevantnational, international and regulatory laws, guidance and policies
17-00 Requirement specification ACQ.12.O.2 An agreement, (contractual) terms and conditions are defined todescribe how the supplier will meet the needs and expectations
17-00 Requirement specification ACQ.12.O.3 Acceptance criteria and mechanisms for handling of breaches to thefulfillment of contract are established
17-00 Requirement specification ACQ.12.O.4 The rights of the acquirer to assume, modify or evaluate, directly orindirectly Intellectual Property Rights are established
17-00 Requirement specification ACQ.12.O.5 Warranties and service level agreements are provided for whereapplicable
17-00 Requirement specification ACQ.12.O.6 Provision for the suppliers to deliver other requirements (e.g. qualityplan, escrow arrangements etc.) is defined
17-00 Requirement specification ACQ.12.O.7 Recognized criteria for proprietary, regulatory and other productliabilities issues are established