O. vs. BP. vs. WP. - SYS.1 Requirements Elicitation ()
O. vs. BP. vs. WP. - SYS.1 Requirements Elicitation
SYS.1.BP1 Obtain stakeholder requirements and requests SYS.1.O.1 Continuing communication with the stakeholder is established
SYS.1.BP1 Obtain stakeholder requirements and requests SYS.1.O.4 A mechanism is established for continuous monitoring of stakeholderneeds
SYS.1.BP2 Understand stakeholder expectations SYS.1.O.2 Agreed stakeholder requirements are defined and baselined
SYS.1.BP3 Agree on requirements SYS.1.O.2 Agreed stakeholder requirements are defined and baselined
SYS.1.BP4 Establish stakeholder requirements baseline SYS.1.O.2 Agreed stakeholder requirements are defined and baselined
SYS.1.BP4 Establish stakeholder requirements baseline SYS.1.O.3 A change mechanism is established to evaluate and incorporatechanges to stakeholder requirements into the baselined requirementsbased on changing stakeholder needs
SYS.1.BP5 Manage stakeholder requirements changes SYS.1.O.3 A change mechanism is established to evaluate and incorporatechanges to stakeholder requirements into the baselined requirementsbased on changing stakeholder needs
SYS.1.BP5 Manage stakeholder requirements changes SYS.1.O.6 Changes arising from changing technology and stakeholder needs areidentified, the associated risks assessed and their impact managed
SYS.1.BP6 Establish customer-supplier query communication mechanism SYS.1.O.5 A mechanism is established for ensuring that customers can easilydetermine the status and disposition of their requests
08-19 Risk management plan SYS.1.O.6 Changes arising from changing technology and stakeholder needs areidentified, the associated risks assessed and their impact managed
08-20 Risk mitigation plan SYS.1.O.6 Changes arising from changing technology and stakeholder needs areidentified, the associated risks assessed and their impact managed
13-04 Communication Record SYS.1.O.1 Continuing communication with the stakeholder is established
13-04 Communication Record SYS.1.O.4 A mechanism is established for continuous monitoring of stakeholderneeds
13-19 Review Record SYS.1.O.4 A mechanism is established for continuous monitoring of stakeholderneeds
13-19 Review Record SYS.1.O.5 A mechanism is established for ensuring that customers can easilydetermine the status and disposition of their requests
13-21 Change control record SYS.1.O.3 A change mechanism is established to evaluate and incorporatechanges to stakeholder requirements into the baselined requirementsbased on changing stakeholder needs
13-21 Change control record SYS.1.O.4 A mechanism is established for continuous monitoring of stakeholderneeds
15-01 Analysis report SYS.1.O.2 Agreed stakeholder requirements are defined and baselined
15-01 Analysis report SYS.1.O.3 A change mechanism is established to evaluate and incorporatechanges to stakeholder requirements into the baselined requirementsbased on changing stakeholder needs
15-01 Analysis report SYS.1.O.6 Changes arising from changing technology and stakeholder needs areidentified, the associated risks assessed and their impact managed
17-03 Customer requirements SYS.1.O.1 Continuing communication with the stakeholder is established
17-03 Customer requirements SYS.1.O.2 Agreed stakeholder requirements are defined and baselined