O. vs. BP. vs. WP. - ACQ.3 Contract Agreement ()
O. vs. BP. vs. WP. - ACQ.3 Contract Agreement
02-00 Contract ACQ.3.O.1 A contract/agreement is negotiated, reviewed, approved and awardedto the supplier(s)
02-00 Contract ACQ.3.O.2 The contract/agreement clearly and unambiguously specifies theexpectations, responsibilities, work products/deliverables and liabilitiesof both the supplier(s) and the acquirer
02-00 Contract ACQ.3.O.3 Mechanisms for monitoring the capability and performance of thesupplier(s) and for mitigation of identified risks are reviewed andconsidered for inclusion in the contract conditions
02-01 Commitment/agreement ACQ.3.O.1 A contract/agreement is negotiated, reviewed, approved and awardedto the supplier(s)
13-04 Communication Record ACQ.3.O.4 Proposers/tenderers are notified of the result of proposal/tenderselection
13-05 Contract review record ACQ.3.O.1 A contract/agreement is negotiated, reviewed, approved and awardedto the supplier(s)
13-09 Meeting support record ACQ.3.O.1 A contract/agreement is negotiated, reviewed, approved and awardedto the supplier(s)
ACQ.3.BP1 Negotiate the contract/agreement ACQ.3.O.1 A contract/agreement is negotiated, reviewed, approved and awardedto the supplier(s)
ACQ.3.BP2 Specify rights and duties ACQ.3.O.2 The contract/agreement clearly and unambiguously specifies theexpectations, responsibilities, work products/deliverables and liabilitiesof both the supplier(s) and the acquirer
ACQ.3.BP4: Review contract/agreement for risk mitigation actions ACQ.3.O.3 Mechanisms for monitoring the capability and performance of thesupplier(s) and for mitigation of identified risks are reviewed andconsidered for inclusion in the contract conditions
ACQ.3.BP5: Approve contract/agreement ACQ.3.O.1 A contract/agreement is negotiated, reviewed, approved and awardedto the supplier(s)
ACQ.3.BP3 Review contract/agreement for supplier capability monitoring ACQ.3.O.3 Mechanisms for monitoring the capability and performance of thesupplier(s) and for mitigation of identified risks are reviewed andconsidered for inclusion in the contract conditions
ACQ.3.BP7 Communicate result to tenderers ACQ.3.O.4 Proposers/tenderers are notified of the result of proposal/tenderselection
ACQ.3.BP6 Award contract/agreement ACQ.3.O.1 A contract/agreement is negotiated, reviewed, approved and awardedto the supplier(s)