O. vs. BP. vs. WP. - SWE.3 Software Detailed Design and Unit Construction ()
O. vs. BP. vs. WP. - SWE.3 Software Detailed Design and Unit Construction
04-05 Software detailed design SWE.3.O.1 A detailed design is developed that describes software units
04-05 Software detailed design SWE.3.O.2 Interfaces of each software unit are defined
04-05 Software detailed design SWE.3.O.3 The dynamic behavior of the software units is defined
11-05 Software unit SWE.3.O.6 Software units defined by the software detailed design are produced
13-04 Communication Record SWE.3.O.5 The software detailed design and the relationship to the software architectural design is agreed and communicated to all affected parties
13-19 Review Record SWE.3.O.4 Consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between software requirements and software units; and consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between software architectural design and software detailed design; and consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between software detailed design and software units
13-22 Traceability record SWE.3.O.4 Consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between software requirements and software units; and consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between software architectural design and software detailed design; and consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between software detailed design and software units
SWE.3.BP3 Describe dynamic behavior SWE.3.O.3 The dynamic behavior of the software units is defined
SWE.3.BP2 Define interfaces of software units SWE.3.O.2 Interfaces of each software unit are defined
SWE.3.BP5 Establish bidirectional traceability SWE.3.O.4 Consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between software requirements and software units; and consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between software architectural design and software detailed design; and consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between software detailed design and software units
SWE.3.BP4 Evaluate software detailed design SWE.3.O.1 A detailed design is developed that describes software units
SWE.3.BP4 Evaluate software detailed design SWE.3.O.2 Interfaces of each software unit are defined
SWE.3.BP4 Evaluate software detailed design SWE.3.O.3 The dynamic behavior of the software units is defined
SWE.3.BP4 Evaluate software detailed design SWE.3.O.4 Consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between software requirements and software units; and consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between software architectural design and software detailed design; and consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between software detailed design and software units
SWE.3.BP1 Develop software detailed design SWE.3.O.1 A detailed design is developed that describes software units
SWE.3.BP6 Ensure consistency SWE.3.O.4 Consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between software requirements and software units; and consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between software architectural design and software detailed design; and consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between software detailed design and software units
SWE.3.BP7 Communicate agreed software detailed design SWE.3.O.5 The software detailed design and the relationship to the software architectural design is agreed and communicated to all affected parties
SWE.3.BP8 Develop software units SWE.3.O.6 Software units defined by the software detailed design are produced