O. vs. BP. vs. WP. - ACQ.13 Project Requirements ()
O. vs. BP. vs. WP. - ACQ.13 Project Requirements
ACQ.13.O.1 Consistency between financial, technical, contractual and projectrequirements is established
ACQ.13.O.2 Requirements for the organizational, management, controlling, andreporting aspects of a project are defined
ACQ.13.O.3 Requirements for adequate staffing of projects by a competent team(e.g. resources with requisite legal, contractual, technical and projectcompetence) with clear responsibilities and goals are defined
ACQ.13.O.4 The needs for exchanging information between all affected parties areestablished
ACQ.13.O.5 Requirements for the completion and acceptance of interim workproducts and release of payments are established
ACQ.13.O.6 Potential risks are identified
ACQ.13.O.7 Requirements for ownership of interactions and relationships withsuppliers are defined
ACQ.13.O.8 Rights for use and distribution of the product by the customer andsupplier are defined
ACQ.13.O.9 Support and maintenance requirements are established
02-00 Contract
13-19 Review Record
13-20 Risk action request
17-00 Requirement specification
ACQ.13.BP1 Identify relevant groups
ACQ.13.BP7 Identify information needs
ACQ.13.BP4 Define management requirements
ACQ.13.BP5 Identify required competency
ACQ.13.BP9 Establish criteria for interim work products
ACQ.13.BP2 Communicate with relevant groups
ACQ.13.BP6 Define responsibilities and goals
ACQ.13.BP10 Establish payment requirements
ACQ.13.BP3 Define organizational requirements
ACQ.13.BP8 Define exchange of information
ACQ.13.BP12 Communicate risks
ACQ.13.BP11 Identify risks
ACQ.13.BP14 Define rights for use and distribution
ACQ.13.BP13 Define ownership of relationships
ACQ.13.BP15 Establish support and maintenance requirements
Overview - Process Reference Model
Overview - ACQ.13 Project Requirements
02-00 Contract ACQ.13.O.1 Consistency between financial, technical, contractual and projectrequirements is established
02-00 Contract ACQ.13.O.2 Requirements for the organizational, management, controlling, andreporting aspects of a project are defined
02-00 Contract ACQ.13.O.3 Requirements for adequate staffing of projects by a competent team(e.g. resources with requisite legal, contractual, technical and projectcompetence) with clear responsibilities and goals are defined
02-00 Contract ACQ.13.O.4 The needs for exchanging information between all affected parties areestablished
02-00 Contract ACQ.13.O.5 Requirements for the completion and acceptance of interim workproducts and release of payments are established
02-00 Contract ACQ.13.O.6 Potential risks are identified
02-00 Contract ACQ.13.O.7 Requirements for ownership of interactions and relationships withsuppliers are defined
02-00 Contract ACQ.13.O.8 Rights for use and distribution of the product by the customer andsupplier are defined
02-00 Contract ACQ.13.O.9 Support and maintenance requirements are established
13-19 Review Record ACQ.13.O.1 Consistency between financial, technical, contractual and projectrequirements is established
13-20 Risk action request ACQ.13.O.6 Potential risks are identified
17-00 Requirement specification ACQ.13.O.1 Consistency between financial, technical, contractual and projectrequirements is established
17-00 Requirement specification ACQ.13.O.2 Requirements for the organizational, management, controlling, andreporting aspects of a project are defined
17-00 Requirement specification ACQ.13.O.4 The needs for exchanging information between all affected parties areestablished
17-00 Requirement specification ACQ.13.O.3 Requirements for adequate staffing of projects by a competent team(e.g. resources with requisite legal, contractual, technical and projectcompetence) with clear responsibilities and goals are defined
17-00 Requirement specification ACQ.13.O.5 Requirements for the completion and acceptance of interim workproducts and release of payments are established
17-00 Requirement specification ACQ.13.O.6 Potential risks are identified
17-00 Requirement specification ACQ.13.O.7 Requirements for ownership of interactions and relationships withsuppliers are defined
17-00 Requirement specification ACQ.13.O.8 Rights for use and distribution of the product by the customer andsupplier are defined
17-00 Requirement specification ACQ.13.O.9 Support and maintenance requirements are established
ACQ.13.BP1 Identify relevant groups ACQ.13.O.1 Consistency between financial, technical, contractual and projectrequirements is established
ACQ.13.BP7 Identify information needs ACQ.13.O.4 The needs for exchanging information between all affected parties areestablished
ACQ.13.BP4 Define management requirements ACQ.13.O.2 Requirements for the organizational, management, controlling, andreporting aspects of a project are defined
ACQ.13.BP5 Identify required competency ACQ.13.O.3 Requirements for adequate staffing of projects by a competent team(e.g. resources with requisite legal, contractual, technical and projectcompetence) with clear responsibilities and goals are defined
ACQ.13.BP9 Establish criteria for interim work products ACQ.13.O.5 Requirements for the completion and acceptance of interim workproducts and release of payments are established
ACQ.13.BP2 Communicate with relevant groups ACQ.13.O.1 Consistency between financial, technical, contractual and projectrequirements is established
ACQ.13.BP6 Define responsibilities and goals ACQ.13.O.3 Requirements for adequate staffing of projects by a competent team(e.g. resources with requisite legal, contractual, technical and projectcompetence) with clear responsibilities and goals are defined
ACQ.13.BP10 Establish payment requirements ACQ.13.O.5 Requirements for the completion and acceptance of interim workproducts and release of payments are established
ACQ.13.BP3 Define organizational requirements ACQ.13.O.2 Requirements for the organizational, management, controlling, andreporting aspects of a project are defined
ACQ.13.BP8 Define exchange of information ACQ.13.O.4 The needs for exchanging information between all affected parties areestablished
ACQ.13.BP12 Communicate risks ACQ.13.O.6 Potential risks are identified
ACQ.13.BP11 Identify risks ACQ.13.O.6 Potential risks are identified
ACQ.13.BP14 Define rights for use and distribution ACQ.13.O.8 Rights for use and distribution of the product by the customer andsupplier are defined
ACQ.13.BP13 Define ownership of relationships ACQ.13.O.7 Requirements for ownership of interactions and relationships withsuppliers are defined
ACQ.13.BP15 Establish support and maintenance requirements ACQ.13.O.9 Support and maintenance requirements are established