Overview - PIM.3 Process Improvement ()
Overview - PIM.3 Process Improvement
PIM.3 Process Improvement
PIM.3.BP8 Communicate results of improvement
PIM.3.BP7 Confirm process improvement
PIM.3.BP9 Evaluate the results of the improvement project
PIM.3.BP2 Identify issues
PIM.3.BP5 Plan process changes
PIM.3.BP3 Establish process improvement goals
PIM.3.BP6 Implement process changes
PIM.3.BP4 Prioritize improvements
PIM.3.BP1 Establish commitment
PIM.3.O.1 Commitment is established to provide resources to sustainimprovement actions
PIM.3.O.2 Issues arising from the organization's internal/external environmentare identified as improvement opportunities and justified as reasonsfor change
PIM.3.O.3 Analysis of the current status of the existing process is performed,focusing on those processes from which improvement stimuli arise
PIM.3.O.4 Improvement goals are identified and prioritized, and consequentchanges to the process are defined, planned and implemented
PIM.3.O.5 The effects of process implementation are monitored, measured andconfirmed against the defined improvement goals
PIM.3.O.6 Knowledge gained from the improvement is communicated within theorganization
PIM.3.O.7 The improvements made are evaluated and consideration given forusing the solution elsewhere within the organization
05-00 Goals
02-01 Commitment/agreement
06-04 Training material
07-04 Process measure
08-00 Plan
08-29 Improvement plan
10-00 Process description
13-04 Communication Record
13-16 Change Request
15-05 Evaluation report
15-13 Assessment/audit report
15-16 Improvement opportunity
16-06 Process repository
O. vs. BP. vs. WP. - PIM.3 Process Improvement
Overview - Process Reference Model